Tag Archives: Follower

Twitter Strategy – Why It’s Important to Have a Twitter Strategy

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. While trite, it's true. People with plans in hand make better use of their limited resources of time, money and energy. And, you can do the same thing. When it comes to using any social networking tool, it's important to have a strategy. If you don't, […]

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What is Twitter Good For – Is There Really Anything Useful Going on There

Are you wondering just what is twitter good for? The answer really depends on who you ask. You may hear definitions like Twitter is a website that is free and helps you stay in contact with others. I would define Twitter as a micro blogging website that allows you to send out short messages that […]

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Building a Quality List of Followers on Twitter

First, I look at the avatar or photo of the Tweeter. I want to get an idea of who I am interacting with. No photo, no follow. I prefer to see a photo of the real person--not their dog, their logo, kids, or a caricature. Second, I read the Tweeter's bio. If the bio is […]

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Twitter Fundraising is Changing the Way Fundraisers Connect with Donors

Fundraisers are beginning to tap into the potential Twitter has to offer by connecting with people and developing relationships that matter.  Fundraisers can converse with potential donors, exchange ideas, listen to feedback and change the way they approach fundraising.  Twitter is a real-time people driven information network that connects you to the latest information about […]

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Top Secret To Get More Twitter Followers – Weeding Your Follower List

New Twitter users are allowed to follow only 2,000 people. The idea is to get 2,000 people to follow them. This is Twitter’s way of preventing spammers from making their unwanted presence felt on Twitter. When you first register on Twitter, you will find plenty of followers. You will have exhausted your limits within a […]

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Make Thousands of Dollars–Strategic Marketing Through Twitter

A lot of us have heard about the term – Viral marketing.  In simple words viral marketing involve leveraging the current social media networks to increase brand awareness. The increase in brand spread occurs through self replicating mechanisms – through bookmarking, commenting, blogging and most interestingly through Twitter tweets. You can condense meaningful information in […]

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Twitter Better Than the Rest – Social Media

If you are engaged in a social media effort using Twitter, you know how littered the tweet landscape is. The problem of garbage collection on Twitter mainly deals with surrounding space junk and debris of spam marketing agencies and similar automatic tweet feeds.For various reasons unbeknown to me, search engine optimization and search engine marketing […]

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Twitter Secrets – How to Get More Followers by Twitter Search Engine

The secret about get more Twitter followers is to take benefit of Twitter search engine. Many people simply just follow many of random people and hope that people will follow them back. That is a very bad way because you need quality more than quantity. Twitter search engine, how to use it First step, you […]

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Twitter – How to Be Creative With Your “Tweets”

Twitter really is taking the world by storm. Why? Because Twitter is a free social networking site - sometimes referred to as micro-blogging, which makes it really easy to communicate, send and receive short messages which are known as Tweets. With only 140 character limit on each message you have to be brief and that's […]

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Relationship Building Using Facebook and Twitter

Using social media to build your business can be a very quick and lucrative thing to do. You can nearly get instant traffic to your Blog or website through social media outlets. If done correctly you will reap the rewards, if done incorrectly you will be wondering why everybody is leaving you or un following […]

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Get Twitter Status – Use the 4 E’s to Boost Your Credibility

If you've joined Twitter and not done much, it may be because you aren't getting the right messages out to your followers. You need to get your twitter status up! One of your goals is to get your audience to your website. Using the 4 "E's can boost your visibility to gain a 25%+ increase […]

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What is Twitter? How it Started, Who is Behind This Website and Why it is Getting So Popular

E-marketing has got flourished with the website called Twitter. Learning to pronounce tongue twisters correctly helps you use the language when needed. In the same way knowing what Twitter will help you grow your business. It is a social network where people gather with the purpose of sharing several opinions. This is not very popular […]

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What is This Twitter Thing?

zcache="2" sizset="63"> Twitter is a social service network, which can be best described as micro-blogging. With 140 characters per message one must be considered in short and precise messages. You choose to follow different people and are then able to see what they "tweet" about. Similarly, there will be people who follow you and therefore […]

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Is Fast Twitter Profits Legit? Review, Pros & Cons and FAQ

The social networking site, Twitter has been "the rave" with internet users around the world. What is the most popular place online to communicate with people around the world is completely different businesses, authors and internet marketers to look for ways to get fast Twitter Profits using Google. To accommodate this need to make money […]

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Knowing More Of The Twitter Applications

Twitter is used for various purposes as it is a wonderful website and immediate tweets update the information every moment. Twitter can be used for the business, in order to remain connected to the friends, and to keep in touch with the latest news and developments in the community or country. Twitter tools can be […]

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