Top Secret To Get More Twitter Followers – Weeding Your Follower List

New Twitter users are allowed to follow only 2,000 people. The idea is to get 2,000 people to follow them. This is Twitter’s way of preventing spammers from making their unwanted presence felt on Twitter. When you first register on Twitter, you will find plenty of followers. You will have exhausted your limits within a week. You cannot get more followers because you have already exhausted your limits by following 2000 Twitter users. In such a case, what can you do?

Study your following and follower lists carefully, and you will discover that not all the people you are following are following you back. In such a case, you have two options—remove the person from your following list or respond to the person’s tweets with the hope that the person would notice you and start following you.

You will find that weeding your follower list manually is a tedious process. Twitter has some excellent tools that will help you do this job effectively.

Twitter Karma

This excellent Twitter app will allow you to identify the users you are following along with the ones who are following you. You can easily make out which of the Twitter users you are following are not following you. The home page of Twitter Karma enables you to unfollow all those who are not following you with one click of the mouse. Visit

This app, however, is too slow and need two full minutes to process your Twitter details and to give you the information you require. If you want something faster, you could check out applications such as,, or

Weeding Follower List – The Top Secret to Getting More Followers

Here is what top Twitter users do to get a large list of followers.

First, follow your limited number of 2,000 people. Now, wait for about a week to see if they follow you back. Of these 2,000, at least 200 should follow you back. After that, it is time to weed your following list using the above-mentioned applications.

Now, you might want to retain some people who are not following you back simply because their tweets are of great value to you. For example, Frank Kern follows only a handful of Twitter users, but has a large list of 5,000 Twitter users following him. This is because Frank Kern is a top-grade Internet marketer who has something of great value to give to his followers. They don’t mind him not following them in return.

When you weed your following list of unresponsive Twitter users, you will have cleared a lot of Twitter space. Now is the time to follow some more people who share the same interests as you. Retain them if they follow you back or have something of value to offer. Weed them off your list if they are of no use to you. This simple method of following and weeding will help you get a list of 500 or more followers in just 2 weeks.

Continue the process of weeding and following till you have all the followers that you desire

Amit is a full-time Internet Marketer. He is passionate about teaching others how to make a living Online. He is also a Twitter expert, with some great Twitter Tips up his sleeves! Visit his website to grab his FREE 50 Page Book - "Twitter Mastery - Unleashing The Power Of Twitter For Maximum Profits!". But hurry, only limited FREE copies available!

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