Relationship Building Using Facebook and Twitter

Using social media to build your business can be a very quick and lucrative thing to do. You can nearly get instant traffic to your Blog or website through social media outlets. If done correctly you will reap the rewards, if done incorrectly you will be wondering why everybody is leaving you or un following you.

There is definitely a right and wrong way to use Facebook and Twitter. You need to build relationships with other users, not promote or market to them straight away. Lets look at how to do it properly.

Facebook: Lets say for example we are bloggers. We need to connect with other bloggers and people interested in blogging.

The first step is to find these people. This step is very simple. We just search using the FB search feature for our keyword. So a simple search for the term blogging will return a few thousand options. These will include people, pages, groups and companies.

The next step is to start to connect with the people already showing an interest in blogging. We do this by going to their profile and asking to be friends with them. Don't just send a friend request, add a personal message such as " Hi, I noticed we had the same things in common, I would love to connect with you on Facebook". You are much more likely to get a response than just sending a request.

So now you have some people to connect with, keep adding people daily, not to many, around 30-40 per day. If you request to much you will get flagged as a spammer. Not good.

Start joining in conversations with your new friends, make some regular posts on your wall. Try to ask questions to revoke a response from people. Answer other peoples questions, very soon you will have a great little, active community.

Your new friends will soon start visiting your blog and getting involved, leaving you comments and actively participating in your blog. You should also visit their blogs and get involved, who knows where it could lead.

You have built a relationship. A good solid understanding. The more people you befriend the more traffic you will see to your blog.

Twitter: Similar rules apply to Twitter. The first steps are to find followers. The same system applies here. Do a basic search for your keyword, Twitter will then display all the people that have shown an interest in your keyword. You then start to follow these people, they normally will follow you back. When they do, send them a direct message thanking them and maybe a link to your website or blog. This way you are interacting straight away with your followers.

Now it's time to start tweeting. You are allowed 140 characters for a tweet, it is called micro blogging. Now tweeting can be time consuming, remember we need to add value to our twitter followers. We need some content. A great way to do this is to take a RSS feed from Google news or Google blogs and go to a site called Twitter Feed. There you can connect that RSS feed to your Twitter account, providing quality content to your readers. Also when you are surfing the web, reading other blogs and websites, most of them now give you the option to Tweet their content, do it, if it is relevant. Voila you have more Tweets. Giving more value to your followers, again you are building trust and giving value. People will start to click your website link in your profile and visit your blog. More traffic, more readers, more sales.

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