Twitterverse Translation – Is Twitter Worth the Time?

It's exploding ; going supernova, and a dazzling way for over five million people to stay connected and in the conversation. But is Twitter the right communication avenue for your non profit organization? Twitter, like any strong social network provides an avenue for your organization to spread info among many people over a period of time. It enables your organization to build trust, reinforce relationships and overall be more accessible to your constituents. While Facebook is designed to promote information sharing among folks who know one another, Twitter is structured to build relationships and spread information among strangers because everything is public. So, how does one decide if Twitter is something which will help your charitable organization or be a gigantic waste of your time in these days of reducing resources? Trend or Tactic? Just because everyone else is doing it isn't making it a good reason to start. What does your constituency look like? A recent study found that the median age of people using Twitter is 31 - not all youths and college children and a very attractive demographic. Twitter can be a tactical addition to your current online presence. It can reach out to a new demographic or promote a particular project or campaign. Regard it this way : if your organization's tweets are not advancing a strategic goal or providing value to your supporters - hit the backspace and don't send it or you may not even wish to be on Twitter to start with if you answered "no" to this question .

Robert Has been writing about blogs and weight loss products for years.

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