Tag Archives: Follower

How to Determine Twitter Follower Order

How much glory and fame twitter applications have earned in the past few years can be judged from the fact that it was ranked among the 50 most popular websites worldwide by a reputed web traffic analysis organization? It has been estimated from times to times that it resides over the third place among all […]

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Mexican Government Anger at Twitter Use by Drug Cartels

Mexicans cartels have adopted a new technique in avoiding military raids and police checkpoints; using Facebook and Twitter. The social networking sites have been on the radar of government officials who believe it has been used to facilitate the abduction of the relatives of powerful businessmen and politicians, as kidnappers are allegedly using the social […]

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Optimize Your Reputation on Twitter As Part of Your Internet Marketing Strategy

zcache="2" sizset="63"> In some of our other articles about using Twitter for business, we've talked about how you should avoid tweeting nothing but sales pitches and promotional messages of your brand. However, we haven't gone over what sorts of other things you could be tweeting. We'll go over some of the easier ones below. Continue […]

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Retweet With Twitter and Get Rich

Twitter has become a great resource to quickly build a following and if used right, can lead to riches. Here are some examples of how to use Twitter to amass a huge following. 1) Free giveaway. Ask your followers to retweet one of your tweets and offer a prize. This has made tweets go viral […]

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Squashing Rumors on Twitter

Recently a music star went to Twitter to confront rumors that she was pregnant. Twitter is great to use for that. It goes out to all your followers and media can easily pick it up and begin to write an article. They can also request you for an interview. Twitter is considered social media and […]

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Twitter – Do You Have a Tweeting Biorhythm?

Confession: I am addicted to Twitter. I'm checking my timeline several times a day just to see what's going on with all my favorite tweeters and in the world at large. As a round-the-clock tweeter, I've noticed some biorhythms emerging for my followers and for those I am following: Information on Monday through Friday Daytime […]

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Using Twitter – How to Increase Your Expert Status in Your Niche by Becoming Active on Twitter

Using Twitter as part of your online marketing plan makes a lot of sense. If done correctly, Twitter can help you to increase your visibility, credibility, and your bottom line. In just a short period of time, sometimes in just two to three months, you can become well known in your niche and open up […]

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Social Media – Can Twitter and Facebook Really Help Grow Your Business?

Everyone's talking about social networking these days and how it might be applied to businesses. Will using web sites such as Twitter and Facebook drum up more sales? Maybe. But they might not be the magic bullets you are hoping for. Here are some of the real benefits of social media and how you can […]

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6 Twitter Tools For Marketing Your Business

Using Twitter to market your business is still somewhat of a new frontier for Internet marketers. The following tools may be instrumental in organizing your marketing campaign on Twitter. Twellow is often referred to as the yellow page directory of Twitter. Twellow organizes followers by offering a profile which includes a sample tweet, current number […]

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The Best Mobile Applications For Twitter

zcache="2" sizset="63"> If you are using Twitter, then you will want to gain access to some of the best applications for this social networking site. Routinely updating your followers is important so that they all remain in constant contact with you. Twitter applications make this process easier so that you can get your tweets completed […]

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The True Power Of Twitter Part 2

#3 - When you introduce monetisation, be subtle and cautious.Twitter isn't something that you can monetise straight away. If you're an absolute beginner, your follower count is next to nothing, your credibility is low, and you're known to nobody. Before you can effectively market your products through Twitter, you need to built up those three […]

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The Future of Twitter – When Will it Finally Evolve?

I've been reading with interest the opinions of marketers I respect such as Ryan Deiss and John Reese about Twitter. Certainly the dust has not settled on whether it ultimately proves to be little more than a fad or if it manages to reinvent itself into something that actually has a workable application. Because, right […]

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Twitter Means Business – Book Review

I just finished reading "Twitter Means Business: How micro-blogging can help or hurt you company" by Julio Ojeda-Zapata. As a huge Twitter fan and professional blogger I am constantly reading about how this tool could help business. I have read many titles on this subject but this is one of the best. As the name […]

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Simple Techniques to Get More Twitter Followers

Have you always thought why some people can get a lot of Twitter followers fast? You might think they used some paid service that helps them get a ton of followers quickly. Some is true, but not all of them do that. This is a simple technique to get more Twitter followers and it is […]

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