Top 5 Tips for Winning the “Twitter Idol”!

Twitter Twitter Twitter! Let's soar so high in a fantasy sky and imagine that Twitter announced the Twitter Idol contest for the best tweet to win a whopping 100 million dollars! Do you think you can make the top 20? Probably you will have to become Tiwttiquette Savvy to make it this far.

Let's say they held a different contest for the largest number of followers. Do you think you have a chance to win this one? I think your chances are much higher here. All you need is to create a sticky profile that screams "Follow Me" and if your potential followers'  "WaaWooMeters" measure up, they will follow you unconsciously! Let's discuss how to create this kind of Twitter presence.

1.Find Your Own Twitter Brand

Take your time in deciding your Twitter name. The more unique and descriptive it is, the better. And hey, if your chosen name was already picked by another genius (talk about e-telepathy!), simply add a number to it.

2.Create an Eye-Grabbing Bio

Twitter is all about less is more. It is really challenging that you have to come up with an interesting and compelling 160 characters bio. There is no golden rule as to what to include here. It all depends on your unique goals. If it is a purely business account, including your location is important. In all cases, make sure your bio is interesting, unique but not over the top!

3. A Picture Speaks Better than a Million Word!

Your choice of your Twitter profile picture will depend on whether your profile is meant for personal branding or corporate branding. In the latter case, it goes without saying that you must use your company logo. When it comes to personal branding, using the picture of a flower or even the Twitter bird will NOT give your profile the WaaW factor! You must use you own picture and with 48 *48 pixel limitation, your best bet is to go for a facial picture.

Thanks to tools like Adobe Photoshop or Aviary( an online image editor), you can easily tailor any picture you have to the Twitter image specifications, making sure that the final product is superb!

4. Go For a Custom Background Design that Speaks for YOU…

I strongly recommend that you set yourself free from the Twitter builtin backgrounds. That's a no-brainer if you are after uniqueness. There are many sites that offer customizable backgrounds that you can tweak. In fact, some background designs allow you to include your contact information in the background. Cool! Whatever you do, don't let people who visit your profile for the first time say:"Boooring! I've seen this design thousand times!!"

5. Brag Your Lengthy URL

NEVER disguise your site with a short URL because it will only arouse suspicion, skepticism or both! Instead, brag your lengthy URL to the Twitter community. Let potential followers know that they can trust you!

That's it! Follow these 5 tips and you will be on the top finalist of the Twitter Idol contest. Have fun!

Aaron Eden, founder and the brains behind Garious, has spent over 15 years in the quest for the holy grail of business innovation.

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