Subliminal Facebook Marketing Strategies

Unless you've been living under a rock lately you realize that facebook marketing strategies are quickly changing the business world as we know it forever. Everywhere you look you'll see fancy new facebook fan pages popping up on a daily basis. Major corporations are advertising cool new fan pages instead of directing consumers to their websites, and internet marketers are now directing traffic to their fan pages as an alternative to generic capture pages.

Now here's the deal. I'm not some fancy web designer and I'm not some internet marketing guru. If you like fancy looking facebook fan pages then that's not something that you're going to get from me. I'm going to teach you the poor man's strategies that will barely cost you a dime.

If you really want to learn all of the in's and out's of facebook marketing then research PPC Supremacy by Jim Yaghi and David Schwind. Those guys will really teach you how to really do things right.

This article is going to be geared more towards newbies and those of you that have a very limited marketing budget but want to start growing your facebook presence immediately. I'm going to show you a few subliminal facebook marketing strategies that are currently working for me. I currently don't have thousands of fans right now so I'm using these techniques to grow my social presence in the short term and then down the road I will change my page to something fancier. In the meantime though, these techniques can really help anyone that's looking to get started.

So let's take a look at my fan page above.

*(If you want to see the pictures that I'm referring to, please visit my fan page link below)

It's pretty boring right? I don't have a cool capture page and there's nothing special about it. Here's the key though. There are some very powerful subliminal messages on this page if you haven't already noticed.

The first subliminal message is that I'm not leading prospects to my default wall on my fan page. I'm leading them to my "Fan Capture Page" tab first. The reason why I'm doing this is because I don't have a lot of fans yet and I'm not some industry leader that people really care about what I'm saying. That's why I don't send them to my default wall page first. If I send them to my wall page first it gives people the chance to think if they want to be my fan or not by what I'm writing. Since I don't have a big following right now, I want people to act quickly and not think if they want to become my fan.

A lot of the people that become my fan in the beginning may never return to my page, however when starting out you need to build momentum. If people see that you have fans then they'll be more likely to click and become your fan. So eventually I will change the way I'm doing things when I have a lot more fans but for now I want to build my momentum of adding fans so that I can eventually turn them into loyal followers.

The next subliminal message that I use is the "Click Like" button which is the 1st call to action that you see on this page. The first thing I want people to do is become my fan without them even having to think about it. I learned this strategy from Jim Yaghi and David Schwind. The key is to get people to "click" because it's easy to do.

After people "click like" it's important to have another call to action. If you look at a lot of the typical fan pages that are out there you'll usually see some kind of sales pitch and then an opt-in form.

This is the typical process that people use nowadays and it works great.

Here's the key though. If you can get someone to "click again" after they "click to become your fan," rather than having them opt-in on your fan page, it's another subliminal technique that's not threatening and is very powerful.

Get your prospect to "click" a couple of times on your fan page, then get them off of your page to enter their contact information on whatever you are selling. This multiple "click" technique will plant a subliminal seed into your prospects brain which will make them more likely to enter their information onto your "capture page" if it's effective. This is another technique that I learned from Jim Yaghi and David Schwind.

Now here's where I start to do a things a little unorthodox. (This is the technique that I'm currently doing now. I will probably change it down the road, however it's a good way for anyone to get a jump start.)

Like we've been talking about most people expect to be sold and they expect you to try to get them on your list. What they aren't expecting however is for you to lead them down a different path with the same desired result.

So here's what I do.

If you look at my fan page above you'll see a banner under my "click like" button that leads them to my facebook group instead of a sales capture page.

*(If you want to see the pictures that I'm referring to, please visit my fan page link below)

Here's what's so subliminally powerful about doing this. I get my prospect to "click" twice without opting-in to anything. Then I lead them to right back to Facebook to join my group. They never have to leave Facebook to enter their information on a capture page. This means my prospect will be more likely to "click" a 3rd time to join my group because it's not threatening and keeps them on a site that know and trust.

Once they've become a member of my group then I've "got them."

So what's so powerful about having a Facebook group? Having your own group adds to your credibility as a leader in your industry and it also makes people feel safe by letting them stay on the site that they know and trust.

Here's what's so cool about having a facebook group. You can message all your group members anytime that you want. Think of it as a reverse auto-responder. People are more likely to check their facebook email and trust what you are selling rather than their regular email that gets spammed everyday with business opportunities.

The neat thing is that you can also add links to your group profile which you can lead your group members to whatever site that you'd like. You can email your group members on facebook then you could also direct them to an opt-in form on another website where you can also deliver the same message if you want. So your prospect will get your group email and if they opt-in to your other site then you could email them the same message in their personal email. So it's like a double whammy!

Think about this for a moment.

All you're doing is getting people to "click" 3 times without ever having to enter their contact information anywhere. Then you deliver your "sales pitch" to your group members on the #1 social media site in the world where they feel "safe" and where you can also direct them to your capture page and your prospect will never know what hit them.

Just make sure that you are a good leader and deliver the right message to your members if you want to develop a loyal following.

Do you see the tremendous power of subliminal facebook marketing strategies now?

If you want to see these strategies in live action then become my fan below.

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Lucien Bechard is an internet marketing consultant that teaches entrepreneurs how to run a successful online business. If you are looking to partner with an industry leader that will teach you how to build an online business the right way visit internet marketing secrets.

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