Internet Ministry – I Like Twitter and You Will Too!

Ministry is about providing service for the glory of God. In order to provide that service. We communicate with people with the objective of letting them see God's glory within us. So effective ministry, always involves communication with people.

Internet ministry, at its root, is also about communication! Because the technology of the Internet allows us greater access to a huge number of people, it is a great medium to expand the Kingdom of God.

With the advent of Web 2.0 technology, social networking, blogging, as well as, teleconferencing, we may feel overwhelmed about what systems to use in order to communicate with people for the Kingdom. I don't mean to suggest that every time we speak to someone, it should be about salvation. However, no one will care about salvation, until they know that we are real people who care about them.

We are now communicating with people that we otherwise would not have access to in the past. However, because of various problems with e-mail communications, instant messaging, and privacy, these same people are becoming more difficult to reach.

Since I spend large amounts of my day on line, I'm very cautious about jumping on board with new platforms. But, recently I found a platform that really worked for purposes that I had never consciously intended.

Over the last few months there's been a lot of buzz about twitter. Twitter me this, and twitter me that. Nonetheless, I was not all a twit over twitter. After all, I already had a Myspace page. My face was on Facebook. I was tubing on Youtube, and I even had a few friends who had developed networks using NING.

So the last thing I wanted was another social networking tool. Especially one that would allow people to see what I was doing every day all day. I did'nt believe I needed another distraction. I was already behind enough already.

But when I started using twitter, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Three things impressed me about twitter.

1. I could easily find and access others that were doing Internet ministry (or any niche), and who I could learn from and share with, in the process.

2. I found highly involved people on twitter and was able to carry on conversations, even though they would never have even answered my e-mail, otherwise.

3. I found information that was still in the planning stages and seminars I was unaware of. This allowed me to be prepared, strategically, to better serve my mission and objectives.

In my mind twitter has been more effective in helping me promote Internet ministry than any of the other social networks. It is so much simpler to use than Myspace, so much more responsive than Facebook, so much more interactive than LinkedIn.

In other words, I just like it! I think you will too!

FYI my twitter page is - Come Follow there!

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