How to Grow Your Twitter List To Thousands In Just A Few Months!

Social Networking is all the rage these days. FaceBook has 500 million users and is rated the # 2 Top site of all website on the web today according to Google holds the #1 spot.

Twitter is # 11 and in my opinion has the potential to drive more traffic, directed traffic, to exactly where and what you want people to see.  Unlike FaceBook that puts a 5000 friend limit on its accounts, Twitter is unlimited.  Imagine having 10,000, 20,000 or 50,000 targeted people to speak to everyday.

So if you're like I used to be… Not understanding what Twitter was all about, thinking it was a waste of time and never knowing what to tweet.  I hope this blog post will change your mind because it really is a simple strategy and it just doesn't make sense not to be promoting and advertising your business without it.

In just the last 7 days I have gained over 500 new Twitter followers using an automated system called Tweet Adder.  More about that in a moment but first I want to share this story with you.

Through my Attraction Marketing system I have the ability to create unlimited capture pages and talk directly to other Network Marketers using whats called the S1 Variable.  I have created a few generic videos and can change the headline and body copy to speak directly to people in either MonaVie, Xango, Numis Network, NuSkin, or any other company, rep, or person I choose by using the S1 variable.

One of my many tweets the other day was directed at a health MLM and it was the first time I sent it out – "Team BeachBody Reps Are Killing It Using This System" – Because I was able to speak directly to Team BeachBody Reps, one gentlemen read the tweet, clicked the link and opted into my capture page becoming a lead. The next morning he joined my Attraction Marketing team.  All from one little tweet, now that's powerful.

One word of advice when using Twitter. Be sure and provide value with your tweets. If you have a blog direct people to it, share your articles and other valuable content.  It's best to use the 1:5 rule.  Provide value and a solution in 5 tweets for every 1 sales tweet.  Remember, your goal here is to build relationships with your followers, gain trust and provide useful information.  Contrary to how many people use Twitter today, it is a social gathering place.  Don't forget, no one likes being beat over the head with your business opportunity!

This strategy isn't free but for as little as $55.00 (a one time fee) you can have your Twitter account up and running on auto pilot in a very short time.  If you plan on having multiple Twitter accounts,(which I suggest you do) then you can buy up to 5 licenses for $75.00, again a one time fee.

Tweet Adder does provide a affiliate program but they are looking for serious Affiliate Marketers.  I want to make it clear up front that I do NOT belong to their affiliate program and will in no way benefit from sharing this info with you. 

Here's a breakdown on what Tweet Adder has to offer.

1. Targeted, Global Twitter User Search Tools

2. Keyword Search – Automated by location, language spoken, recency and more.

3. Profile Data Search

4. Followers of a User – Followed By a User

5. Multiple Twitter Account Management

6. Auto Follow Features and Auto Un-Follow

7. Automate your Tweets – Auto Direct Messages – Auto Thank You Tweets – @ Reply Tweets and more.

Tweet Adder has the power and ability to simplify your Twitter life. You can spend less time trying to build a following with laser targeted tweets that run on auto pilot.  I spend a total of 15 minutes a day per account replying and making comments, some days a little more, some a bit less.

If you were ever interested in Twitter but unsure about using it, give tweet adder a try, you can get a free trial for 1 week.  See how easy it will be to grow your Twitter List to thousands in just a few short months.

For those of you new to Twitter, here is a breakdown and a quick guide to TwitterTalk.

For a more comprehensive breakdown visit:

1. Tweet:You only have 140 characters in your message and they are public, seen by everyone. If you are going to post a link then you will want to use a free URL shortening service such as TinyURL or, just two of many that are available.

2. @username:This is probably the best way to get someones attention and is a form of conversation on Twitter.

3. RT or ReTweet:Resending a tweet sent by someone else.

4. DM or DT-Direct Message or Direct Tweet. This is a way to speak in private directly to someone that you follow. They must also be following you in order to send a Direct Message.

5. #TopicAKA the "hashtag" This is a way to group tweets by a keyword and works best for groups and events.

If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends on Facebook, Tweet it, and leave me a comment below.

So there you have it, one great tool that can help you grow your Twitter list to thousands in a relatively short time.


Richard Petrillo is an Internet Marketing Specialist, dedicated to helping you grow your MLM business and take it to the next level.

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