Free Twitter Marketing Tools – Optimizing Twitter to Get a Massive Following

You may have heard of an internet sensation called Twitter.  The concept of this site is simple:  update people on what you’re currently doing in one hundred forty characters or less.  You can follow people, people can follow you, you can quote what other people are saying and you can reply to what other people are saying.  Twitter essentially creates a fast paced interactive and massive community with similar interests.  So what?When you join a club or sport, you typically join because you share an interest in that area.  Likewise, you follow people on Twitter because you share a common interest.  Since there’s no limit as to how many followers you can have, you can be in contact with thousands of people with one simple update.  It gets better though.  Imagine thousands of followers in your target market because having a large number of people following you is meaningless if there is no common interest.  If you have thousands of people following you because they have an interest in network marketing, then you have struck gold.How do you leverage Twitter to create a massive following in your target market though?  How can you have thousands of followers without eating all the hours of your day?  The key is automation.  I have prepared a list of free Twitter marketing tools to aid you in building a massive following.  The three tools I will be talking about are:-Twitter Karma-Tweetree-Tweet LaterTwitter Karma is a tool that helps you maintain a balance between people you are following and people following you.  Twitter Karma allows you to sort users in different categories primarily users that you are following but they aren’t following back, and users that are following you but you aren’t following them back.  Essentially, you just check all and either click bulk follow or bulk unfollow.  Make sure to wait about ten minutes between each submission.  That’s it.  You have a good ratio for your following/followers.

Learn how to use free twitter marketing tools. Join Kevin Tan in his business opportunity lead generation today.

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