Follow Me On Twitter ? A Great Basic and Effective Marketing Message

If you have the Justin Bieber twitter account then you have more friends that you can handle. But for the rest of us, how do you really get people to follow you on twitter.Well, unfortunately there is more than one answer. The basic thing that differs from each need for followers is your intent. If you twitter Lady Gaga on a routine basis, and she answers you, then you are not the typical user. Generally, the request for more twitter followers is a business need. The need to promote and sell products, and thus earn revenue, is the primary rationale for getting lots of followers on twitter.If you have a website, be sure you include a nice looking ‘follow me button'. The readers of your blog are the people interested in what you have to say. They are the type of followers you want to have.The quality of followers is almost always more important than the sheer number of followers you have. Unless you are selling tweet impressions, you want your followers to actually be interested in what you have to say.So the first lesson you must learn is to target your followers according to your niche. You may want to generate some automatic tweets related to your niche by using a service that sends RSS feeds to your twitter profile as tweets. This can bulk up your profile with some valuable tips, information and interesting currents events. This makes your account more appealing and thus more desirable to be followed. But do this in excess and you just become a spammer.Another good tactic is to follow only the top twitterers in your niche. This helps to create a twitter profile that has added interest because it includes the items that everyone else is interested in reading. The reputation of those twitter profiles filters down to add credibility to your account. Once again, you should strive for diversity and moderation.Retweets are another effective and rewarding action you can take. You can search on twitter for tweets containing your keyword or keyword phrase. When you find one that appeals to you, you should go ahead and retweet it. If the user finds this retweet in their @mentions tab, they are more likely to follow you back. This assumes that you have not overdone the above steps and have a twitter profile filled with just canned spammy tweets. This retweet of messages of non-followers is very likely to be your best method for getting real followers. You can also use automated software like tweet adder to do this and many other jobs automatically. Just use these tools wisely. To create a quality profile with good people followed and following, you need to look at and judge the people.Sure, if you just search for phrases like ‘follow me and I will follow you back', you will get a lot of followers. But these are not very likely to be active followers. They are more apt to be twitterbot followers from software like Tweet Attacks.For a high quality and useful twitter profile, you need to judge your actions like a human and not act like a robot.

Automatic tweeting is not a sin. Sending an auto tweet is a great way to save time and enhance your productivity. As editor and reviewer, I check out products and techniques for making your twitter life easier and more profitable.

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