Choosing Facebook Against Other Social Networking Sites


The first thing is what Facebook actually is? Facebook is the largest and still growing social networking site in the Internet World. Facebook has proved to be the toughest competitor for all the sites that claim to have the biggest social networking circle.

Facebook surprised the world with its sudden popularity gain internationally. MySpace (launched in Britain on April’06) is the biggest contender of Facebook. Now, Facebook has outclassed other social networking sites in almost every feature. MySpace is getting started to try to compete with the fame of Facebook by implementing similar features. Now, some renown sites like Orkut, Bebo etc. are trying to get the same features like Facebook but still unable to compare to the amazing force of Facebook. All sites are now trying to clone Facebook Application feature to stay live in this Social Networking World.

Now, why should you prefer Facebook? If you have analyzed MySpace was started with the idea to allow people connected with each other (the same as Facebook), but its design is somewhat tawdry and was soon taking up by the spammer to make money, celebrities wanting themselves to appear cool by having 50,000 friends. But Facebook has overcome these issues. You can stay in touch with your relatives and lost friends that you haven’t met for long time in an efficient way. The main thing is the interface, a standardized and simple interface having drag drop facilities and much more, which make it easier and accessible to the “normal” users.

Facebook is a great platform for having some different experiences; it’s more than a two way interaction. Facebook Profile is a great way to show yourself in your own way. Creating a profile is too easy & then looking around for some friends. You can add extras to your profile, from gift applications to “hug war” application. Send and receive gifts from your love ones for FREE. Stay connected to people all over the world in the way you like. Few weeks ago Facebook has introduced its new looks with an easy to handle Interface. Everything fits in that decent interface.

Facebook was first developed for college students, but now anyone can join it. With its increasing popularity people have used it for business purposes in addition to socializing. You can add a Facebook Application for your business or get it done by a Facebook Application developer. Share your business experiences with the people around the world. If you want to bring out your products to the new people then Facebook is a great platform to start. Your business growth has value as well as your existing customers. Creating Fan Pages for your business is also a great way to enhance your relation with your existing customers and a chance to make some new. If you are looking to extend your business circle then Facebook has many Forums, Groups and Discussions etc. to participate and met your competitors.

Facebook users are not only college students, as its open to the entire world, average user’s age is around 27+. If you are looking for a date, flirt or want some online fun with your friends then there are millions of Facebook Applications available there.

i am facebookster blog editor.

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