10 Useful Twitter Applications To Use On A Daily Basis

No person can be considered an online marketer without him knowing what Twitter is. At first he might wonder how a 140 character message sent on the tool can spell wonders. Nothing is much weirder than that but as time passes these people would find out how the tool can bring in great results for your business.

Based on their experiences, a couple of veteran online marketers came up with some useful Twitter applications that would empower anyone who is using Twitter for marketing and who makes use of these tools to leverage time.

Here they are :

Social Oomph (which used to be Tweetlater.Com) is an application that allows you to send automatic welcome messages to new Twitter followers you have. One way to abuse it is to cloak affiliate links using it. But these guys don't last long. Remember the golden rule: Social networking sites are all for building relationships and are not meant to spam other peoples accounts.

Twitter Grader is the application that lets you know how powerful your Twitter profile is, how many followers you have & how powerful their profiles are. It shows how broad your Twitter community is and how much quality does your network has. You can ask for a report from this tool.

TweetDeck is jeered as Twitter's air traffic control. It gives you the possibility to group your followers and organize their messages for you to easily read them. In this manner you can easily read their status on their profiles in Facebook and MySpace and extend your network there as well. You can also share videos and photos.

TwitterCounter - This would tell you the number of followers, friends and also the recent updates in one glance, which helps a lot when you're comparing accounts.

Twellow is also one of the most useful Twitter applications that you can use, which is helpful when you use Twitter for marketing. It's the yellow pages of Twitter which allows you to look for people who really matter through hundreds of categories and advanced search features.

You can even have extended bio profiles with your desired links included. It makes it really easy to follow targeted people in Twitter.

TwitPic-With this tool, you can share photos in Twitter, a very cool Twitter application.

Twollo - is a keyword-based application that would let the tool perform an automated process of targeting profiles related to the niche.

Twitter Karma-is an example of the useful Twitter applications that would allow you to add or remove followers you don't wish to follow. It's free and can help a lot but if you have a lot of followers it might take a long time to remove them.

BubbleTweet- is a super friendly tool that allows you to show a little video message to new followers through Video Bubble Tweet, making it easier for you to connect in a better way with your followers.

TwitterFriendAdder: This is also another one of the useful Twitter applications that allows you to add or remove followers easy and fast no matter how many followers you have in your account. You can use it for hundreds of followers without too much time. Learn more about this tool from the particular page in the site.

This is an overview of some useful Twitter applications I love to use. These tools will make it easy for you to use Twitter for marketing. The list is not what all there is to it but these 10 applications are quite good and highly practical to use.

To Learn Which Useful Twitter Applications Elmar Sandyck Uses and How He Applies Twitter For Marketing To Build A Very Profitable Internet Business Using The Most Cutting Edge Internet Network Marketing Strategies Visit : http://www.InternetMastermindStrategy.com

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