Smart Marketing; the Medium is the Message

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HSMAI LAX brings to you the profound value of "Smart Marketing 2.0" with guest speaker, Jim Cox as he addresses Smart Marketing within the context of Social Media and why now, with certainty, that The Medium is the Message, to take a quote from Marshall McLuhan. Certainly Social Media has, and will continue to have, a profound impact on our all our marketing efforts; they will indeed be forever changed. Jim examines this impact and offers insight on the opportunities that this new phenomenon presents. Specifically, Jim examines how marketing in the hospitality industry is no exception to the far reaching effects of social media; indeed that social media is having a tremendous impact on our industry more so than in any other industry. He also examines how todays social media quickly changes our economy, the relationship with our guests and in turn our revenue sources. He examines the importance of how the new social media marketing dynamics are a major component of Smart Marketing, as are our quick, intelligent and tactical responses; and how these responses will profoundly impact our financial success. Beyond the immediate marketing responses, Jim also looks to the future with focus on our marketing plans / budgets; how, as many will agree, that due to the new effects of social media, our hospitality revenue markets change almost daily and our budgets and marketing plans seem to be out of date almost as soon as they are developed. That component of any new level marketing ...

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