Debra Russell – Niche Marketing

Edited highlights of a presentation given at the Sandbox Suites by Debra Russell on June 30, 2009. 'Niche Marketing' discusses why many business owners are afraid to define their niche on the mistaken premise that they will lose business as a result. The truth is just the opposite. Designing your marketing around a Niche can enable you to have a major impact on a small budget. Since most business owners are working with a limited to non-existent marketing budget Niche Marketing can give you a tremendous advantage over your competition. In this video Debra discusses what is a niche and how does it apply to your business. Specifically: - The 8 steps of business income - Finding a niche - What apsects of a niche to research - How to use Google and Yahoo Groups - Best ways to use linkedin - How to combine Niche marketing with Social Networking to create high impact with a very low investment Debra Russell, founder of Artists EDGE, Certified Master Results Coach and Master NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner uses her business knowledge and ability to facilitate change and growth to help small business owners create a prosperous and sustainable living doing what you love. Debra specializes in small business and the Arts and Entertainment Industry and has presented several innovative programs for industry trade conferences across the country. Debra's presentation is based on the book "Multiple Streams of Coaching Income" by Andrea Lee. ************************ Debra Russell Artist's ...

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