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by Staff
on September 12, 2011
in Social Media Websites
As a recruiter how can you reach out to a potentially large candidate pool on social media space in a short span of time? The answer is in carefully crafted social media strategy. Link your social Media Accounts As a recruiter build your professional profile carefully on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. A strong presence in […]
by Staff
on July 6, 2011
in Social Media Websites is the largest social media network online and it only makes sense to have a social media marketing plan developed for Facebook. Since Facebook has so many different options to contact friends we need to focus on one aspect of Facebook, which in this case are groups. Facebook groups are similar to an email […]
by Staff
on June 27, 2011
in Social Media Websites
How do you set up a Facebook FanPage that will Actually attract Fans???If you have your own business, then you probably know by now that, even if your business is a physical bricks-and-mortar establishment such as a Real Estate business or a Flower shop, establishing a well-known and well-branded Online Presence is one of the […]
by Staff
on June 24, 2011
in Social Media Websites
Social Media Marketing- The effective and cheaper way to connect target audience has been the reason of me keeping writing on it since last four weeks. Along with the entire world, I have been wondering looking at some innovative organization's approach utilising twitter as an applications. Among all better work by some innovative companies, I […]
by Staff
on June 17, 2011
in Social Media Websites
Social Media has emerged as one of the dominant forces across the internet and serves as a leader in telecommunications, marketing, media, business connections and networking that has trend for reducing globe into a little and closely inter-connected community. Facebook is a great place to share and communicate about your services or product to the […]
by Staff
on June 9, 2011
in Social Media Websites
If you're a leader, employee, or volunteer of a non-profit or mission-driven organization with limited funding and resources, you've likely said more than a few (million) times you wish there was a way to wake people up, get their attention, connect with like-minded folks, and incite meaningful action. Maybe you've dared dream of making a […]
by Staff
on June 3, 2011
in Social Media Websites
Twitter has quickly become one of the top social media tools today. Everyone who is anyone is using it to develop a greater Web presence, attract clients, and develop relationships. Following are a few tips to assist you in developing your online business followers: 1. Search for your brand or product name on Crowdeye to […]
by Staff
on June 2, 2011
in Social Media Websites
What is Twitter? Twitter is a Social Media site where you "follow" people and then gain "followers" that is people who follow you back. What does this mean? This means that you can build a list of people who follow you who you then can send messages to either directly or as a "tweet" which […]
by Staff
on May 28, 2011
in Social Media Websites
You've got your product or service, spent a few bucks on a snazzy website and Blog and now you're ready to hit the internet world....well you and 1 zillion others. So how do you make sure people find your website? Driving traffic to your website is a creative process where you can use any number […]
by Staff
on May 22, 2011
in Social Media Websites
Get Targeted Twitter Followers Today, I'd like to introduce you to our guest author, Harris Fellman. Harris recently launched CoupDeTwitter - a course on how to properly get started with twitter, get lots of followers, and turn those followers into cash. He is by no means a Social Media Purist, but still he teaches what […]
by Staff
on May 13, 2011
in Social Media Websites
You must learn more about" how much does it cost for Facebook ad" and other marketing secrets.Thomas Freers is an Online Marketing Coach for what is arguably the World's Largest Internet Marketing School available today. He specializes in Article Marketing, Social Media networking and various other marketing strategies and works with small and large companies […]
by Staff
on May 12, 2011
in Social Media Websites
Why Some Brands May Need To Rethink Their Social Media Strategy Arron Kallenberg is the founder of and co-founder of and You can find him on Twitter as @kallena. Social media is widely recognized not only for creating deeper, more connected relationships between people, but for the promise it makes to brands […]
by Staff
on May 11, 2011
in Social Media Websites
Everybody is talking about Twitter and other Social Media sites. This is Web 2.0 Era and Marketing people are using Social Media sited as powerful Marketing tools. Here, Twitter is playing very important role because Twitter is easiest way to reach Targeted audience with your Marketing Message. For example - if you have 10,000 Twitter […]
by Staff
on May 8, 2011
in Social Media Websites
My mother for instance isn't interested in Facebook, unless of course there's an exciting pic or I'm making an attempt to get her to don't forget another person.) When they click the button linking to you on Facebook and it's your page, you can be appropriate there front and middle with a greeting, sharing anything […]
by Staff
on May 2, 2011
in Social Media Websites
Social Media Marketing Tips: 3 Free & Easy Ways to Promote Your Facebook Fan Page Social Media Marketing is a great way to promote your business. Facebook is a Social Networking site that has over 500 million users and still counting daily. Businesses are capitalizing on this phenomenon; however, they still have trouble promoting their […]