SEO Tips for Facebook Marketing

SEO is a short term that means 'search engine optimisation" - in other words how you optomise your site or blog determines whether search engines place you higher in the site rankings.  Search engines look for relevant information to answer the questions that people are looking for, information that is relevant, appropriate and current.  Sites that are visited more frequently are generally listed higher in certain categories, as the sites appear relevant to the topic searched.

In turn if your site gets listed higher, then the more visitors you will attract - which gives it a compounding effect. SEO also includes searches for images and video etc, so SEO is also important in these instances.  Images and video can attract even more visitors than sites and blogs.  So once your SEO is right you can expect a higher ranking and more quality traffic to your site or blog.

Today so many people use Facebook, enabling people to find friends, groups and organisations.  Facebook is one of the highest listed sites when SEO is used properly.  If for example you search for a celebrity - then for sure a Facebook fan page will appear in the first 3 pages, allowing these fan pages to be visited more often.

So how does Facebook benefit from all of this?  If someone searches for a particular person, celebrity, or subject that doesn't have a Facebook page - then because of the way search engine optimisation works, Facebook would get more users for their site.

Someone who is a fan of a particular artist will most likely sign up for the site. When they sign up, Facebook becomes more popular and begins moving further up the chain on the search engine optimiser.  Any website can benefit from the use of search engine optimisation. The higher you are on the list, the more business that your company will receive and the more chance you will have to make more money. The best thing about it all, is that it is completely free.

Search engine optimisation is used on many different sites like Google,, and MSN. These sites are going to give you the best results for your search no matter which end of the search you are on.  

So if you wish to market your business and get good results in traffic and paying customers, you need to learn about SEO and Facebook.  You need to learn how to market on Facebook and understand how it all works, along with SEO principals.

Good luck and happy marketing on Facebook.

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