Fan Pages for Facebook: Tips and Tricks

If your looking for a way to make dynamic fan pages for Facebook, look no further. In this article we'll give you the must know tips and tricks to make a Facebook page successful for your business no matter how big or small. Let's take a look. Create a Welcome Page First and foremost, you need to make a good first impression in order for potential fans to like your fan pages for Facebook. As you make a Facebook page, a welcome tab can be easily created using the iframe app for Facebook. Our article titled Create the Ultimate Facebook Landing Page Today! ( walks you through using this process to make a Facebook page. Check it out! One good thing about this app is that you can make two welcome pages – one for fans and one for potential fans. This way you can target each audience differently with different call to actions. For example, you want to encourage potential fans to "like" your page while you may want your current fans to fill out an opt-in form.

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