On March 11th, Facebook will severely deprecate FBML (Facebook Markup Language) and that means you can no longer build Facebook fan pages or apps using FBML!
FBML will be replaced by the NEW Facebook iFrame Pages.
Do you know facebook iframe?Don't panic if you don't! Phil Benham & Daniel Tan has come up with FBMaxed, which is coming at the right time. It is capable of: displaying HTML5 videos ,insert Opt-ins forms ,PHP email contact forms ,Photo galleries ,Sales page, Landing page, the popular reveal splash page and your whole website inside Facebook pages!With the new capabilities built into the iframes system, you can post a complete, full-fledged website right into your Facebook page.
And did I mention that it comes with three solid,customizable templates that makes the job of making all of the above a breeze, a snap of the fingers? But that's not all. FBMaxed has an ace up its sleeve. Remember that I mentioned about a reveal splash plage? Think about it. Creating a complete teaser website on your facebook Page that only gives the faintest of ideas of what lies in store for the people if they would only "like" your page.. ..Yes, that's right. A teaser website on your facebook Page that is seen by the masses, and the true website face of your facebook Page that is available only to those who have "liked" your page.
Do you think they would leave out the BIG NEXT THING? Nope. All three of the templates we give you are built on a rock-solid HTML5 framework; which means that not only will you be ahead of the curve on Facebook, you will be FUTURE PROOF with HTML5 websites on the entire web.
And note this: The iframe have been tested on popular devices like the Android, Blackberry, iPhone and iPad!)
Don't bother learning about how to use iFrames, just implement the 3 templates FBMaxed has in the package for you. You will be up and running in no time.
As simple as that, yes more powerful than the old Facebook FBML!
lets take a look at it
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