What would I use Twitter, Digg, and Delicious for?

Question From User - Answers in Comments.

I have a slight understanding of what each service is..
Twitter - update your status
Digg - Share news stories
Delicious - Social bookmarking

Basically, these are all web-social services, right?

But I'm the most "tech-savvy" out of my friends (which isn't saying much). None of them even know what an RSS reader is. Many of them have never heard of Flickr.

So it isn't like my friends and I will trade Twitters or anything. Digg, I'm kind of missing the point of, but it must have some logical use, because it's hit it big. Delicious is pretty popular, but what's the point of social bookmarking if you don't have any friends that will contribute to the social part? I already use Google bookmarks. Should I give Delicious a shot?

I want your opinions. Would Twitter, Digg, or Delicious really benefit me in any way if none of my friends use any of the mentioned services?

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