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GOP must return to conservative roots

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It's time that we Christian conservative evangelical Republicans make it known that our faith and our values are no longer for sale to corporate America. It's time that we let the party know that we are the true base of the Republican Party. It's time that our issues become the platform of the party. We are social conservatives, and we demand that our needs be paramount.

We will no longer sacrifice them to a party that refuses to fight for them. They take our votes, deny us social programs, and promise us, like a mother would her child, that we can get our way maybe next time. We get them elected and then they crawfish and neglect the issues that are of greatest importance to us. Not only this, but they have the unmitigated gall to insult our intelligence by blaming it on the Democrats. Republicans had the presidency and the Congress for six years and couldn't get one single piece of meaningful social conservatism passed? They could not only because they would not, and they would not because they sacrificed our moral virtues on the altar of a pseudoconservative plutocracy bent on serving corporate interests rather than ours.

There is one and only one God that I sacrifice to, and He's not sitting in the corporate headquarters of Enron, Halliburton or DuPont. He is in heaven looking down on our party with a heavy heart. A party that has forgotten the poor, forgotten who serves whom in government, forgotten that this is a nation of the people, by the people and for the people.

Mike Huckabee showed in Iowa that we will not be bought and lied to, and we will be victorious against the corporate candidate (Mitt Romney). Huckabee is so far out there that he actually thinks that people should be civil, believes the Bible when it says that we should despise not the poor, believes it when it says that it is harder for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. The Republican Party has become largely that of rich men, not in monetary value alone but in greed and corruption. We need a man who will speak to the heart of the party once again - a Lincoln Republican, not a Reagan Republican.

Republicans such as Teddy Roosevelt, and the infamous but mostly unfortunate Herbert Hoover used to promise us a chicken in every pot, and stand up for the common man against corporate interests and the Washington establishment. We have such a man. A man that will lead our party and our nation as a beacon up on a hill. This man is Huckabee. This nation can be under God once again, put Him at the front of the line. A Huckabee presidency will fulfill these promises placed into the pledge by another Republican, Dwight D. Eisenhower. A vote for Huckabee is a vote for a return of true conservatism and the death of the pseudoconservative plutocracy. Let's make this the Grand Ole Party once more. I'm a true conservative, and I approved this message.

Michael Luke Myers

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