Great Content — the Key to Social Bookmarking Success

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If you visit an article submission site, you'll find out right away that most of the content is shallow. The content is designed to "tease" readers into clicking a link in the author's resource box. While it's a good way to get traffic, this process, writing and submitting articles, is more about quantity than quality. In effect, it places little value on the content itself. Creating great content is, by far, the best way to get qualified traffic. But, creating great content for inclusion on social bookmarking sites is critical. Why? Because you actually have to deliver something worthwhile — something readers will value and likely vote for. Social bookmarking sites naturally appeal to a younger audience. This audience is technically savvy and extremely anti-marketing. If they sense a piece is too commercialized, it will be ignored at best. Don't confuse the term social bookmarking, or networking, with social marketing. You don't market directly on social media sites unless you're buying advertising directly. What you are doing is establishing yourself as an authority on a subject.

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