Meet the OpenSocial Containers Patrick Chanezon (Google), Paul Linder (hi5), Kevin Tom (iGoogle), Sachin Rekhi (imeem), Max Newbould (MySpace), Manu Rekhi (Orkut), Eric Staats (AOL), Brandon Duncan (LinkedIn), Jurriaan Persyn (Netlog), Jay Parikh (Ning), Xavier Legros (Yahoo!), Kevin Marks (Friend Connect) Representatives from current OpenSocial containers give an overview of their implementations, policies, and what's unique about their container. They also share some of the fruits of their labors including high level stats. Team members from upcoming containers review their planned launches, policies, and timelines.
Google I/O 2008 – Meet the OpenSocial Containers
by Staff on April 16, 2010 in Social Bookmarking
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