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by Staff
on January 20, 2010
in Social Media
Jeffrey Gitomer is an author whose books have helped over a million sales people improve their careers as well as their lives. Here Jeffrey Speaks about Social Media the new New wave. How social are you? How can social media help you engage others?
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media
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by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media (Get Exposure...Let Us Build You A FREE Blog) Very simple tips to build a great reputation in Social Media. Watch out....IT GET'S A LITTLE INTENSE! (Viewer Discretion Advised) ***BONUS TIP*** VALUE INNOVATION instead of focusing on beating competition, you focus on making competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value for buyers. ***PLEASE COMMENT*** […]
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media
Recorded by: Micheal Foley attended my conference, Gnomedex 9.0, in Seattle this past weekend - and while he was there, he decided to ask a single question of several people: "What is the biggest problem facing 'Social Media?'" My answer was short and sweet - what's your answer?
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media
Interview of Amy Worley from HR Block By Rodney Rumford of Amy discusses how they have used social media effectively for the HR Block Brand. Great Stuff!
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media Everyone talks about social media marketing, and how businesses must be on Twitter and Facebook to succeed. This roundtable of experts gives advice on what works -- and doesn't -- for small businesses, non-profits and big companies in the social media space.
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media
We've all heard of search engine optimization, but the new buzz word is social media optimization (SMO). SMO refers to the tools and techniques you can use to increase your website, or blog's, popularity using social networking, bookmarking, and online community websites. There are a number of social networking and bookmarking sites that have the […]
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media
Why just log on when you can Blastoff? Blastoff Network is your launch pad to the internet which can be customized with your favorite news, music, videos, blogs, social networks and shopping, all in one place! Blastoff Network also pays you when you shop online - were not kidding! Shop from over 300 retailers like […]
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media
I find SM2 by Techrigy so easy to set up and use that I have recorded a simple, easy-to-follow, video walk through of setting up a new campaign and then walking you through the results, using Fresh Air Fund as a real-life example.
by Staff
on January 19, 2010
in Social Media
SATIRE: Australia Toyota Yaris sets the agency hounds onto social networks - may the best stunt win! Blog Post here
by Staff
on January 18, 2010
in Social Media
Chris Brogan shares strategies and tactics for putting the web's most popular social media tools to work in ways that will make a difference. Positioned "for publishers," the advice given in this webcast will actually benefit any organization that has an online presence. This is part of the O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing (TOC) […]
by Staff
on January 18, 2010
in Social Media
Alex Brown's love of horses started long before he launched the blog, Alex Brown Racing, but it was Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro that pushed the blog into prominence -- and eventually established it as a site dedicated to the welfare of horses. Along the way, Brown learned many things about creating and nurturing an online […]
by Staff
on January 18, 2010
in Social Media
TruCast is the industry's most comprehensive solution for social media analysis and engagement. TruCast enables you to help your clients listen, measure, and participate in blogs, forums, social networks, and online communities. Visible Technologies also helps your corporate and individual clients manage and protect their online reputations with its powerful TruView search engine solution.
by Staff
on January 18, 2010
in Social Media
Part 1 of my PICNIC 2009 talk on the next 5 years in Social Media. Topics: why the world's OS is 'going social', why conversation and engagement not monolog and control is the only way forward, about the coming 'extreme Reputation Economy', why social media = CRM, the shift to open ecosystems rather than closed […]
by Staff
on January 18, 2010
in Social Media Discover how using Social Media Marketing to promote your business can keep you top of mind with your prospects. Use Social Media to position yourself as an expert in your field, teach people how to solve their problems with your product or service and develop a lasting relationship. After all, we all know people […]