Twitter Tips – 7 Tips For Using Twitter to Market Your Business Successfully Online

Twitter is the micro blogging platform with a limit of 140 characters or less. With over 4 million unique visitors in February 2009 it is the third  largest Social Media Network after Facebook and MySpace.  It was originally developed as a social network to compete with texting and IM but entrepreneurs and businesses quickly discovered how to leverage it for business.

It is the perfect vehicle for generating traffic and for list building and can also be used for relationship marketing. This is done by providing relevant and valuable information to your followers who then learn to know, like and trust you so you then earn the right to promote your products and services in a limited way.

In most cases you should try to get your name as your username when you open your Twitter account to help to build your brand. If that's already taken try adding middle initial or a space between your first and last name. Next craft your bio carefully to include words describing your business, keywords and your target market plus any hobbies or interests you are passionate about. The words in your profile are what are searched by the many different Twitter search tools such as Twellow  or Twitter Search.

It is important to use a picture appropriate for your line of work. If you are a stock broker you should be in business attire if you are a gardener more casual clothing is fine. A close up head shot that shows your eyes and something about your personality is also good.

Your Twitter background should help you stand out from the crowd and it should show off your personality. There are a few choices from the twitter site but if you do a search online for "free twitter backgrounds" you will find many more.  You can also get a custom Twitter background designed for under $50.00. The custom background can include more information about you and your business such as your email address, phone numbers and blog site URL.

As soon as you join Twitter begin by searching for your friends and relatives by name or email address to add them as followers. You can also search by group, name, or keywords or use the many different Twitter searches.  Don't feel like you must follow everyone that follows you. While some people concentrate on the number of followers it is far better to concentrate on the quality of followers so grow your network carefully.

The next step is to advertise your twitter URL in as many places as possible by adding it to all your other social media sites so they all become interconnected. You can search online for twitter buttons to add to your website, blogs, forums and Nings. Add your twitter URL to the signature line of your emails as another way to gain more visibility. If you use a WordPress blog there is a widget that goes in your sidebar that allows your Twitter feed to update on your blog every time you tweet. You can add your Twitter RSS feed to most Ning sites and it can even feed directly into Facebook and FriendFeed.

The most important rule of Twitter is the 80% 20% rule. If you spend 80% of the time tweeting useful and relevant information then you earn the right to spend 20% of the time tweeting information promoting your products and services.  Remember the more you give of yourself the more you will receive in return. There are lots of things you can tweet about including quotes, relevant news stories, and tips. You can also survey your followers or ask questions. You can announce new blog posts and articles as they are published and ask your peeps opinion on something you have written or read. Almost anything goes but conversation is the goal.


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