Facebook Developers: The Core Feature for Facebook

Facebook Developers: The Core Feature for Facebook


Facebook has launched a Developers API that has proved to be a boon in the world of networking. This allows any user on the social site to have an access to Facebook's internals.  It enables the programmers to create projects, mashups, widgets and tools that can be used to enhance the services on Facebook.

Facebook Developer is the key to the creation of excellent and innovative applications. Because of the Facebook Developers, the APIs are now open to the developers of the whole wide world. They are subject to certain terms and conditions. Facebook allows them to build any application for the mass users on the social site to install them on their accounts.

With Facebook developer, you can also create applications related to your profile, friends, photos and events.

It is the developers' server that hosts the applications. However, Facebook can send and receive data to the developers' server. It can thus, display the results within or without Facebook.com

The Graph API:


Graph API is the centre of Facebook platform. Its utility is enormous.


Every object on a social graph has a distinct ID. If you wish to access properties of an object, just request the https://graph.facebook .com/ID., e.g. the ID of the official page for the Facebook platform is 19292868552. So you can find the object at https://graph.facebook.com/19292868552

Facebook Developer has made Facebook, the first major social network to give access to its APIs.  With it you can build your own social experience and generate growth on your web. As a result your become powerful enough to engage users online.


Every object on a social graph has a distinct ID. If you wish to access properties of an object, e.g. the ID of the official page for the Facebook platform is 19292868552.

Facebook Developer has made Facebook, the first major social network to give access to its APIs.  With it you can build your own social experience and generate growth on your web. As a result your become powerful enough to engage users online.

Facebook Developer has made Facebook, the first major social network to give access to its APIs.

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