Using Twitter in your Job Search

Many are also using it when looking to hire new employees. Over the coming weeks we'll look at how to use social media to find your next job, focusing on the three biggest social networks: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

This week we'll be looking at using Twitter in your job search. Twitter has expanded incredibly over the past year, there are now over 65 million tweets sent per day with over 75 million people sending them. Twitter is a useful way to communicate with potential clients and candidates as it offers real time updates in small chunks. Short updates mean it doesn't take long to catch up with the latest news and it's not time consuming adding to conversations and discussions taking place.

Twitter allows you to customise your profile in a number of different ways, utilise this to ensure your profile is employer friendly.

Background – There's plenty of unused space here that you should be using to sell yourself. You can include things like a URL to your own blog/website/LinkedIn profile, if you're a designer or a creative use it to show off your work. Try if you're stuck for time when creating a background, remember keep it simple and professional.

Picture – Your profile picture could be the first impression a potential employer will get from you, keep it professional!

Bio – You have 160 characters to sell yourself. Use it. We know 160 character may seem restrictive, but be clever and you will impress. Link – You can attach one link to your profile, use it for your own website/blog (if relevant to the job you're looking for) or your online CV (such as your LinkedIn profile). Tweet – If you're looking for a job then tell people!

As with Linkedin it's all about who you follow. Once you've set up a Twitter account you're given the option to use Twitter's follow your interests' tool; this allows you to quickly find people you are interested in. Once you start following people you need to start interacting with them, you can do this by retweeting, sending direct messages and public replies.

As With anything online when you're looking for something you search for it. Twitter's search tool has recently been updated, however it's the advance search that can really get results: With the advance search you can fine tune your search to get the results you want, it even allows you to search attitudes in tweets (positive, negative or questions).

Hash tags – Most recruiters will use hashtags to ensure their job can easily be found. Search for hashtags that are relevant to the job you're looking for e.g.: #Legal, #Healthcare, #HR, #Manufacturing.

During these tough economical times job seekers must use every tool available to them to stand out from the crowd. Hopefully this article has given you some ideas on how to utilise everything Twitter has to offer. If you have any questions email

It is important to remember that anything that has been broadcast online can be seen by anyone.


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