5 tips to quickly increase your Facebook fan base

You have listed your organization on Facebook and created a business page (used to be called fan page)? If you have not, here are a few reasons why you should:

Now that you have a business page, you are probably wondering how you can attract more "fans" without spamming all your contacts.

Here are 5 tips to increase your Facebook fan base:

1. Add to your blog/website/signature

Facebook provides multiple social plugins to allow people to share your content across the web, show that they like your business page or simply leave comments. You can view a list of these applications on Facebook developers page. They are free to use, simple to implement and well recognize amongst the online community.

Once you have selected the plugin(s) you wished to use, make sure you add it to your website (in the footer or on every secondary pages), to your blog (at the beginning or the end of every single post) and your email signature (add a simple link to your business page).

I would recommend you add a title or small description encouraging visitors to click the "Like" button above the plugin box. I.e.: Follow our team on Facebook or Join our Facebook community

2. Invite your newsletter subscriber

It is also a good idea to send an invitation to your subscribers (providing that you have an opt-in list) encouraging them to join your Facebook business page. Explain them briefly what they can expect to see/read on your fan page and maybe provide a little incentive.

Since you will be sending the invite by email or as part of your newsletter, it is a good idea to use a cool looking graphic instead of the usual plain text link. Ask your creative team to design a small yet attractive badge.

3. Add a welcome video

People are really receptive to video and it is a good idea to create a compelling welcome video to add on your business page. You can create a custom landing page (called canvas page) where you can upload the video and explain what the business page is all about to your visitors.

The beauty of Facebook videos is that they are extremely easy to embed on your website or blog and can be easily shared across the web by your fans, allowing you and your visitors to spread your message to thousands of prospects.

4. Use Facebook ads

Facebook allows users to create small ads campaigns to help them boost their fan count. This is extremely target, easy to measure its ROI and really simple to implement.

Look for the "advertising" link at the bottom your Facebook page to get started. They have created a really intuitive wizard that will give you a great idea of how big your Facebook users target market actually is. Once your campaign created, it will be displayed on the targeted users' pages. From there, they can simply click on your ad and become a fan.

5. Use on your marketing materials

Lastly, we cannot forget to add your Facebook page on every print marketing material you use in your business. For instance, you could add the url of your Facebook business page on your business cards, letterhead, print newsletters, brochures or magazine/newspaper ads.

When you meet clients and give them your business card, make sure you mention your Facebook page and give them a 15sec elevator pitch on why they should become a fan.

Loic is the Online Marketing Manager at Advisor Websites where he helps financial services professionals grow their market share by leveraging online marketing and social media. He is also spearheading the US and French markets expansions.

Connect with Loic on Twitter: @jjloic or by email: loic@advisorwebsites.com

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