Facebook cms has changed the way facebook functions

The social networking sites have risen like a phoenix over the last few years. These sites have not only changed the way people connect but also the way they do business. Social networking sites have emerged as one of the greatest tools of internet marketing. Online business thrives on the social networking sites like twitter, LinkedIn and Face book.

Facebook is one of the most preferred sites for retailers. The surveys have shown that Facebook is used by the people in the age group of 18-34 the most. These are the people who are the real consumers and the retailers always target them. Another positive result shows that people who earn more spend more time on Facebook. People with annual income exceeding $100,000 spend about 9 hours per week on Facebook.

These surveys have made it important for Facebook to find innovative and inexpensive ways to provide the best services to its client. The result is Facebook CMS which allows the owners to make and control Fan Pages according to their need without having to shell out too much of money. The Facebook website allows the owner to create a Fan Page with a few clicks of mouse. This is quite different than owning a website. This is quick, easy and free unlike owning a website where one needs to spend a lot of money.

The Facebook CMS is open source software which doesn't need much coding so anyone can use it. Facebook is also allowing to use their comment posting CMS for other sites. The Facebook Flash CMS templates have become a rage for the users as they make the Facebook page more functional. The Facebook Flash CMS templates are becoming extremely popular as they are flexible and impressive. There are Facebook CMS that have designer image gallery, embedded media players, interactive drop down menus etc. The Facebook Flash templates allow one to add pages, images and gallery section by using any customized or embedded font.

The different Facebook CMS have made Facebook a better platform for all business requirements. It is able to increase the conversion rate as even fans are potential customers and it is easy to interact with them.


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Facebook cms

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