How to make money over Facebook

Facebook is huge right now, with over 400 million users half of which log on each day Facebook is a real goldmine for traffic. Due to Facebook's popularity and the fact that it really is still in it's infancy it really is a prime candidate for new internet business owners to make money utilizing it. Many internet marketers have reported earning anywhere up to $5000 per day using Facebook and as a result of these reports Facebook has become the buzz of the internet marketing underground. In this article I will take you through one of the strategies internet business owners are utilizing to create massive viral profits through Facebook.

I remember the first time I first saw the true viral power which Facebook has. I was searching through my Facebook profiles newsfeed when I came across a pretty funny fan page title. Curious I clicked through and saw to my surprise that this fan page had gathered a following of over 100,000 people in just 24 hours. I was really taken back by the growth and exposure this page was getting and witnessed it continue to grow to a stage where it reached over 1 million members in just 5 days. After seeing that I switched my focus to learning about how I could tap into this huge viral effect that Facebook seemingly had the power to create.

If you haven't already guessed from my story this article is about why Facebook fan pages should be a focus for most internet business owners. Facebook fan pages can grow to enormous followings virally which is why in my opinion they are the most effective form of viral marketing online right now. Here is why:

When you join Facebook you are given your own network. Your network includes a new feed as well as a profile page. You can extend your own network by connecting with others profiles as friends. Once you have gathered some friends into your network then you are able to view all the activity of those friends in your Facebook news feed. This news feed is shown to you when you log into Facebook and one of the parts of Facebook activity which shows up in this news feed is when a friend of yours joins a Facebook fan page. If you then like what you see you have the ability to with one click join that page as well. When you join a fan page any time the fan page owner makes an action such as a "Status update" you can view that in your news feed.

Now that you understand how a person on Facebook joins a fan page we can look at it from the owner's perspective. The owner of the fan page has people joining as a result of their friends joining and the page begins to grow rapidly. The fan page owner gets access to each person's news feed who joins its page to direct the fans to other pages they own or offers which will make them money.

This is the real power of the Facebook fan page and if you can work out a system to take fan page after fan page viral you can create a very good income online for your internet business.

If you would like to find out how you can make money from Facebook then you can download Sam Bakker's eBook about Facebook Marketing from his new internet business website. Alternatively you read more about how to make money from fan pages here

I've been in the online marketing industry now for thepast 7 years. I'm the CEO of the SEO CompanyModernCogs and is currently the owner of a number ofsuccessful websites. Due to the increased demand for my online services I'm in the process of rebuilding my newpersonal internet marketing website

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