Twitter Tools to Help Increase Leads For Your MLM Or Home Based Business

There are so many choices to consider when figuring out how to market your business online. Twitter has become a force to be reckoned with and continues to grow. The benefit of twitter is that you are forced to say what you need to in 140 characters or less. Now if only I could get my children to do that, all would be right in the world, but I digress. Twitter can be an extremely effective tool for lead generation and free marketing if used correctly. Here are some FREE twitter tools to help you streamline your twitter campaign.

Social Oomph (formerly tweetlater) If you are busy with your family and building your business then perhaps you don't have time to sit and tweet about every aspect of life. This site allows you to schedule your tweet, auto following of anyone who follows you, and auto Direct Messages (DM's) to anyone who follows you. Be careful when using auto Dm because people may consider them spam and no one likes spam.

Twello Fabulous twitter directory. This is a great way to connect with home based businesses or people in MLM or whatever your niche is. You also have the ability to link with Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites.

Twollo If you are brand new to twitter and you're not sure how to find your target group then you may want to try This site allows you to focus your search for your target group based on key words. This service is free for 4 days and after that you can pay as little as $5.99 per month for up to 5 key words.

HootSuite HootSuite allows you to manage multiple accounts, measure twitter traffic add multiple editors and my favorite, pre-schedule your tweets. I love this last feature! For the busy mompreneur who does not have time to be chained to her BlackBerry the ability to pre-schedule your tweets to post throughout the day is worth the free download.

TweetDeck TweetDeck is your twitter virtual assistant. You can organize and manage your followers, friends, lists, messages and anything else that you want to. You can create groups that target anything you want. For example, if you want to follow anything dealing with home based businesses, TweetDeck can do that. allows you to take a long url and make it compact. You can also track your users who click on your links in real time.

Twitterfeed Do you have a favorite blog that you want to share with your readers? This service that allows you to automatically tweet new RSS items to one or more Twitter accounts. All you need to do is put the RSS feed URL into TwitterFeed, and it would publish a tweet every time a new post has been added. This is a great way to always have interesting content for your Twitter followers.

I hope that you find these tools useful but in the end remember that twitter is a social networking site so don't blatantly promote your business. It's all about relationships, enjoy.

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