Free MLM Training -5 Rules of Closing by Doug Firebaugh

Check out this video http http MLMtraining Network Marketing Success from DOUG FIREBAUGH Social Media Web 2.0 Training site for home business and direct sales professionals with recruiting, leadership, and how to's for multi level marketers, mlm distributors and consultants, and work from home moms involved with online internet MLM social Media web 2.0 training Network Marketing Success from DOUG FIREBAUGH Training site for home business and direct sales professionals with recruiting, leadership, and how to's for multi level marketers and home business and work at home moms Social media uses the ?wisdom of crowds? to connect information in a collaborative manner. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies such as blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, group creation and voice over IP, to name a few. Examples of social media applications are Google (reference, social networking), Wikipedia (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook(social networking), (personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), and Flickr (photo sharing). Ed Dale, Sherman Hu, Michelle MacPhearson, Stompernet, smarts, andy jenkins, twitter, utterz, jaiku, yoono, wowzaa, spock, pownce Using Social Media To Create Social Media Training Social media is quickly becoming a ...

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