Social Media Marketing 4 Sins You Must Avoid

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As SEO is essential to having your website generate traffic and potential customers/clients so is the whole Social Media Marketing Platform. As the internet evolves so do the ways we search for information, products, and services. Social Media Marketing Networking has taken the internet by storm and is becoming more relevant then search engines. Social Media Networking like & are based off of how many Diggs or Thumbs up/down you receive in order for a Story, Press Release, Website, Photo, and Service to make it to the front page and get to the tops in their own search engine. Digg isn't a playground for the weak or inexperienced. Its audience can be fickle, extremely judgmental. Diggs Algorithm can be extremely tricky and if you're considered a spammer you're banned. There are several important factors of Social Media Marketing Networking. The major one is developing your network. In order for your information to gets views you need to have Hundreds if not Thousands of friends that follow your submissions. If your information is liked by your network then it can go very far, if not your submission will not survive. You have to work extremely hard at gaining a trust level with many of the Social Media Platforms, and once you do then it's a good start. We have an extremely strong and powerful following on several of the top Social Media Marketing Platforms and we continue to build our following. So what does that have to do with getting links for ...

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