Why do people start discussions and post in work-related social media sites?

Question From User - Answers in Comments.

I'm referring to the social media sites that are primarily used for business networking. If you know this type of site, you probably know their names. I've looked at queries, thread starters, responders, etc., and I'm baffled how mediocre and downright dumb most questions and answers are. Questions like "How to I get a book published?" or "What should I say during an interview? These are things someone with no knowledge of the job world might ask. These social media purport to make connections. Connections to clueless people. On the other side of the equation are the experts/responders. Answers might be: be sure you have a plan when looking for a job. Or wear xyz on your interview. Are people answering to provide 'information' or are they just getting their name out there since they have titles like 'Business Consultant' or 'Media Content Developer' or other titles that to me seem like B.S. I don't see people in 'real professions' like 'molecular biology' or 'statistician'. Is that because people with true professions don't need to 'network' on these sites, but do so in speciality areas, like professional societies, and such. My g/f is a stem cell researcher, and the idea she'd be on a social media site and ask, "So anyone have suggestions on any new stem cell research techniques? is ludicrous. Bottom line, are these sites for people who really are looking for work and don't really have what we usually think of as profession?
My experience is that asking people for their motivations is not a reliable way to find out. People lie.

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