The Importance of Content in Social Media

One of the most common mistakes I see people and businesses make in social media is jumping into it without having anywhere near enough original, quality content to stay in it for the long haul. Either they underestimate just how critical it is to be able to offer news, information and opinion for an indefinite period of time or they simply don't care about being fully engaged. Whatever the case, these folks invariably run short of content and ultimately have no idea what to say anymore. So relationships are interrupted. Momentum is lost. And their constituents are left wondering why the brand they look up to is suddenly so silent in social media. But it doesn't have to be that way. Before dipping your toes in the social media waters, it behooves you to have an arsenal of content ready and waiting for launch. But you also need to be prepared to create and share (sometimes on the fly) an endless stream of new content blog posts, human interest stories, opinion pieces, instructional videos, status updates, etc. via such social media channels as Twitter, Facebook, linkedin and the like. Social media is a labor of love, an inexhaustible work in progress, something you do day in and day out, not only when it's convenient for you. Social media is not a commitment to be taken lightly. It's a serious, long-term obligation you have to your friends, fans and followers -- both your internal and external stakeholders -- from the get-go. So don't go into it prematurely.

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